Your Vine, Your Wine
To make wine, you need grapes.
To make great wine, you need great grapes.
We vignerons know it well. That’s why we decided to dedicate a new vineyard to Reboro.
Reboro is a new wine that comes from the centuries-old tradition of grapes drying.
It is a collective project founded on the friendship among the vignerons of Valle dei Laghi.
The new vineyard is going to be a special vineyard, because it will grow on the hill of San Siro, one of the most suitable places to viticulture of Valle dei Laghi, set between Lago di Garda e Dolomiti di Brenta, unesco heritage.
It will be entirely dedicated to the production of Rebo grapes, a local variety that took the best from Merlot and Teroldego – that’s where it comes from.
And it will be special because we don’t want to consider it as “our vineyard”, but as a magical place where everyone who loves reboro can feel at home, give their name to a vine, be updated on every phase of the cultivation and vinification, and then get into the wine cellar and discover its secrets.
It will be “your vineyard” because Reboro is “your wine”, and we just take pleasure in letting you know it and love it.
Do you want to give your name or that of a person dear to a vine of the new vineyard?
Fill out the form, with only 10 euros your name will be imprinted on a special metal plate that will remain hanging on the plant for the whole life of the vineyard: you can come and see it grow, to know the harvesting and winemaking phases, to follow the process refinement of Reboro. You will be part of a community of friends from Reboro and our family!
You can pay:
or by bank transfer
Cassa Rurale Alto Garda filiale di Sarche
IBAN Code: IT 54 G 08016 05603 000033803084
specifying as a causal “YOUR VINE, YOUR WINE and the name to be stamped on the plate.
Marco e Stefano Pisoni